Life-Giving Wounds Blog

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Our blog annually releases 30+ posts. We already feature 170+ posts from 60+ authors, who are adult children of divorce themselves, experts in psychology or healing, or both, writing from the Catholic perspective as an expression of their journey of faith and healing. We invite you to browse our library or, if you’re looking for something specific, hop over to our index page where you can find a complete list of categories, tags, and authors. The index also has a search function and a complete list of blog posts arranged chronologically.

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Psychology Art Bennett Psychology Art Bennett

Introduction to the Temperaments and Their Importance for Healing and Thriving as ACODS

Temperament is the science of how we tend to react. Some people tend to react quickly and intensely. Others react slowly and not intensely. For some people, their reactions are long-lived; others easily let go. Some forgive and forget; others hold on for decades. Some love to immediately take charge, while others just want to fit in and go with the flow. These temperament differences impact (but need not determine) our emotional lives, relationships and our spiritual lives.

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Psychology, First-Person Dr. Jill Verschaetse Psychology, First-Person Dr. Jill Verschaetse

Institute on Religious Life’s InnerView with Dr. Jill Verschaetse

Two key things to remember in working with candidates who are children of divorce are to avoid the extremes and to discern each situation individually. Communities should neither overly fear the effects of divorce on potential members nor gloss over this fact and fail to see the lasting impact it can have (despite the possibility of the person themselves being unaware of its effects). It is often the case that the repercussions of divorce do not surface until young adulthood or the beginning of more intimate relationships. Hence, younger candidates are often able to present well if these issues have not yet manifested. Nevertheless, simply being a child of divorce should not disqualify one from a vocation to the religious life. Rather, each situation should be discerned individually with an eye to the person's understanding of the effect it has had on them personally, their prior healing work, their present manner of being in close relationships, and their openness to further healing efforts should issues arise in the future.

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Psychology, Review Emily Rochelle Psychology, Review Emily Rochelle

Internal Family Systems and the Litanies of the Heart—A Journey and Book Review

For adult children of divorce and parental separation, having trusted resources for the healing journey is important. The burdens and wounds caused by parental separation or divorce can have a significant impact and last a lifetime. That is why I think it is good to know about and consider if the Litanies of the Heart and a Catholic approach to Internal Family Systems might be something to add to your healing tool box.

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Psychology Emily Rochelle Psychology Emily Rochelle

Insight’s from Attachment Theory for Adult Children of Divorce: Series summary

Insights from Attachment Theory for Adult Children of Divorce, is a four-part series by Life-Giving Wounds alumna Emily Rochelle which introduces the key concepts of Attachment Theory, explores the relationship between attachment security and mental health, looks at how attachment is rooted in neurobiology, and how attachment impacts one’s relationship with God.

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Psychology Ava Rosier Psychology Ava Rosier

Attachment Styles and the Psalms for ACODs

If you find that you do not fit under the category of a secure attachment, know that hope abounds — attachment styles can change! Through engaging in nurturing relationships with close friends or a spouse — and especially our Lord — you can become more secure in your attachments.

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Psychology, Review Cafea Fruor Psychology, Review Cafea Fruor

Overcoming Childhood Emotional Neglect (or the Real Hope Jamie Could’ve Had)

To give you a picture of what [childhood emotional neglect] might look like in real life, here’s my own CEN story: My mom (your mother is usually your primary attachment figure) has had schizoaffective disorder since I was about six years old. She was too deep in her own mental and emotional roller-coaster to be a stable presence.

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Psychology, Relationship Advice Dr. Jill Verschaetse Psychology, Relationship Advice Dr. Jill Verschaetse

Navigating Boundaries as an Adult Child of Divorce (Part Two: Typical Boundary Patterns of ACODs)

Let us keep in mind as we examine these things that the intention of Christ is always health, always unity, always love, and always truth. When we name our dysfunction for what it is and speak the truth in love, we honor the self that God gave us and in turn, the Creator of our self is delighted.

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Relationship Advice, Psychology Dr. Jill Verschaetse Relationship Advice, Psychology Dr. Jill Verschaetse

Navigating Boundaries as an Adult Child of Divorce (Part One: The Necessity of a Self)

For adult children of divorce or separation, we often struggle with the extremes of boundaries: when our person becomes overly entangled with other persons in our family, this is unhealthy; it can be equally unhealthy to completely cut everyone out of our lives because we think this is the only way of preserving ourselves.

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Advice, Psychology Art Bennett Advice, Psychology Art Bennett

Utilizing the Temperaments for Adult Children of Divorce (ACODs)

In addition to this invaluable spiritual support, we need to shore up strengths and acquire new skills to heighten and expand our ability to love. Understanding our temperament can help us do this. This is not a theory of fixed personality traits identifying unchanging characteristics that put people in a box. Rather, understanding temperament helps us identify our strong and weak tendencies to react in certain ways in certain situations. 

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