
Prayer for Those From a Broken Home

O Eternal Father,

You created me in your image and likeness and you long to hold me always in your loving embrace. Your love has sustained me in my trials and struggles.

Each day, I will live as a beloved child of God, confident in your divine mercy. I will place in you all my trust and hope, for you lift my gaze from shame, fear, and the pain of division to your unparalleled love for me on the cross.

By the power of Christ’s great wounds, heal the wounds left in my life by the tragedy of my parents’ separation or divorce, or family brokenness. Help me love, despite the pain. Help me forgive, no matter how deep the hurt. Help me have peace and virtue when old and new wounds arise. Remain with me, Holy Spirit, so that I may be a wellspring of healing for others.

In Jesus’ Name,


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