Life-Giving Wounds Blog

Welcome to the Life-Giving Wounds blog!

Our blog annually releases 30+ posts. We already feature 170+ posts from 60+ authors, who are adult children of divorce themselves, experts in psychology or healing, or both, writing from the Catholic perspective as an expression of their journey of faith and healing. We invite you to browse our library or, if you’re looking for something specific, hop over to our index page where you can find a complete list of categories, tags, and authors. The index also has a search function and a complete list of blog posts arranged chronologically.

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Church teaching, Goals, Updates Bethany Meola Church teaching, Goals, Updates Bethany Meola

Our wish list for the Synod on Synodality and the Vatican’s upcoming document on divorced-and-remarried Catholics

We are privileged every day to walk alongside men and women seeking healing from the myriad ways their parents’ split has affected them and, keeping all ACODs close to our hearts, we wanted to share a “wish-list” for what we would love to see included both at the Synod and in the Vatican document.

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Poetry Stephanie Gulya Poetry Stephanie Gulya


As I travel into the deeper places in my heart, in prayer and in therapy, I have found a deep craving for silence, right alongside a deep fear of silence. At the core of my fear, is the fear that God will not ‘show up’ in the silence. Growing up, and to this day, my relationship with my dad has been marked by an empty silence.

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Review, Featured Alexander Wolfe Review, Featured Alexander Wolfe

The Good Divorce vs. The Great Divorce

Trevor Jimenez’s animated short "Weekends" is a striking narrative that conveys the trauma of parental divorce in such imagery. The autobiographical film tells the story of a young boy spending weekdays with his mother and weekends with his father. Although the boy seems fine on the outside, his inner turmoil is exposed through a series of dreams and struggles.

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Saints, First-Person, Healing Journey Anonymous Saints, First-Person, Healing Journey Anonymous

Pure Motherly Love

A couple of months ago, I was attending a women’s retreat... where glossy tiles of neutrals and shades of blue formed a gorgeous mosaic of the Blessed Mother. I kept returning my gaze to it, and I heard in prayer: “I see you looking at my mother—her maternal love is so different from what you have seen… My mother is tender, approachable, truly sacrificial, and only able to love fully and purely…”

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First-Person Jamie Parmese First-Person Jamie Parmese

Life-Giving Wounds Comes to RVCC: An Adjunct Faculty Member’s Personal Testimony to the Board of Trustees at Raritan Valley Community College

I have to be honest, I never thought that my world as a Catholic and my world as a professor at a public institution of higher education could ever meet together, yet coincide beautifully into one. But with God, anything is possible, so I continue to remain in thankful awe as to how He brings about good works.

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First-Person, Art Murielle Blanchard First-Person, Art Murielle Blanchard

Sacred Heart

Last Friday, June 16th, I was blessed to attend the wedding of a dear friend of my husband's. Like me, my husband's friend is an ACoD. When I realized earlier this week that his wedding date coincided with the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, I decided that I wanted to make a special wedding card for the couple.

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First-Person, Healing Journey Isabel Gopar Zavaleta First-Person, Healing Journey Isabel Gopar Zavaleta

Divorce and Adolescence: How My Parent’s Divorce Impacted Me as a Teenager and How I am Finding Healing

As a teenager, I began to experience mere anger, seemingly without any other emotion or feeling that I had no control over, and had no idea where it came from or why it would get so out of control. ... This was a tomb that I suffocated inside of for years throughout much of my adolescence.

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Poetry Sofia Fernandez Poetry Sofia Fernandez

Family Tree

Five branches from the trunk of the split tree

Four girls and a fella, that’s my siblings and me

In Three years we went from complete to shut down

Two people once in love

No one left to be found

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Ministry Updates, Reflection Bethany Meola Ministry Updates, Reflection Bethany Meola

"But what about abuse and toxic relationships?” (Or: So, about that viral reel…)

A few weeks back, Life-Giving Wounds social media coordinator Jen made a short reel for our Instagram page. The reel, a mere five seconds long, featured this audio clip: “This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m going to share it anyways” with this text on the screen: “Divorce impacts the children involved and causes a deep wound.” ... But what happened next surprised all of us.

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First-Person, Relationship Advice Jessica Bohaty First-Person, Relationship Advice Jessica Bohaty

Walking into Marriage Together: One Perspective on the Wedding Ceremony

If you come from a background of family brokenness, I would like to offer encouragement as you look ahead to your wedding day. Brides and grooms—choose wedding customs and traditions that are meaningful to you. You have the freedom to make the choices that express who you are and what you hope for your future marriage and how you want to remember or to celebrate your past.

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Healing Journey, First-Person Graciela Rodriguez Healing Journey, First-Person Graciela Rodriguez

Caregiving of our elderly parents

I searched my heart for months and I accepted how I felt about this situation and made a decision. I realized that if I did not take care of them my guilt would have been much worse than I had experienced in my life. My father remained at his home with home health care and I oversaw his care. My mother eventually spent the last nine months of her life at home with my husband and me.

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Poetry Stephanie Gulya Poetry Stephanie Gulya

You Walk Towards Me

Day after day, You remain,

And slowly I begin to trust again.

I grow impatient,

You are steady and sure.

You are not afraid

Of my anger and accusations.

You do not run when it is hard.

You stay, You listen, You hear me.

You open my eyes,

And I see what I have always wanted.

Feel the courage to claim it and desire it.

You walk towards me.

And You hold my heart in pieces in Your hands.

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First-Person Angela Winkeler First-Person Angela Winkeler

How to Heal When You Feel Like an Orphan

About one year ago something very traumatic happened... My precious, amazing mom passed away... My world shattered the day that I lost her. Watching her suffer for months and being powerless to help her made me feel like I could relate in some way to our Blessed Mother, to the agony and helpless that she must have felt in watching her beloved Son die.

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First-Person, Healing Journey Emily Rochelle First-Person, Healing Journey Emily Rochelle

Ripples and Earthquakes

Unlike the innocent childhood rites of passage that bring about a sense of pride and accomplishment, children who live through their parents’ divorce often experience an abrupt passage from childhood to premature adulthood. The hard and jagged rock of a parents’ divorce deeply and profoundly impacts a child even beyond what others see or notice.

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Poetry Kara Poetry Kara

The Boat

Jesus, Jesus, I am scared.

Rescue me.

You awake and calm the storm

around me.

But there is still a storm

inside me.

You look at me and ask:

Will you show me your hurt?

Will you let me embrace you?

Will you accept my healing grace?

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