Life-Giving Wounds Blog

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Our blog annually releases 30+ posts. We already feature 170+ posts from 60+ authors, who are adult children of divorce themselves, experts in psychology or healing, or both, writing from the Catholic perspective as an expression of their journey of faith and healing. We invite you to browse our library or, if you’re looking for something specific, hop over to our index page where you can find a complete list of categories, tags, and authors. The index also has a search function and a complete list of blog posts arranged chronologically.

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Poetry, Healing Journey Sofia Fernandez Poetry, Healing Journey Sofia Fernandez

The Truth, Condensed

In the history of time God hasn’t manufactured any takebacks,

And if He could permit the Fall, and choose to go on,

I choose to believe that he can make his Glory dawn—in me.

I am not bound by my past

because He has destroyed the death that sought to silence me.

The only bound I am is bound to be free; marked, as His, for eternity.

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Psychology, First-Person Dr. Jill Verschaetse Psychology, First-Person Dr. Jill Verschaetse

Institute on Religious Life’s InnerView with Dr. Jill Verschaetse

Two key things to remember in working with candidates who are children of divorce are to avoid the extremes and to discern each situation individually. Communities should neither overly fear the effects of divorce on potential members nor gloss over this fact and fail to see the lasting impact it can have (despite the possibility of the person themselves being unaware of its effects). It is often the case that the repercussions of divorce do not surface until young adulthood or the beginning of more intimate relationships. Hence, younger candidates are often able to present well if these issues have not yet manifested. Nevertheless, simply being a child of divorce should not disqualify one from a vocation to the religious life. Rather, each situation should be discerned individually with an eye to the person's understanding of the effect it has had on them personally, their prior healing work, their present manner of being in close relationships, and their openness to further healing efforts should issues arise in the future.

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Healing Journey Stephanie Gulya Healing Journey Stephanie Gulya


It was a few months into my freshman year of college; I was at daily Mass with my friends. At this time, I was really beginning to become aware of how much pain my parents’ divorce had caused and continued to cause me. I remember sitting in Mass, attempting to calm myself, but feeling rising panic each time the priest said the word...

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Stories of Healing, First-Person, Review Branan Thompson Stories of Healing, First-Person, Review Branan Thompson

Listening to Taylor Swift as an Adult Child of Divorce

I remember making an entire ritual and event when Taylor Swift released “Mine” in 2010, the single from Speak Now. I curled up on the couch and put in my earbuds, pressing play with all the pomp and circumstance a fifteen year old could muster. It was the first time Taylor was releasing a single since I fell in love with her music—but that wasn’t why I remember that moment so vividly....

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Ministry Updates, Reflection Bethany Meola Ministry Updates, Reflection Bethany Meola

"But what about abuse and toxic relationships?” (Or: So, about that viral reel…)

A few weeks back, Life-Giving Wounds social media coordinator Jen made a short reel for our Instagram page. The reel, a mere five seconds long, featured this audio clip: “This might be an unpopular opinion, but I’m going to share it anyways” with this text on the screen: “Divorce impacts the children involved and causes a deep wound.” ... But what happened next surprised all of us.

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First-Person, Relationship Advice Jessica Bohaty First-Person, Relationship Advice Jessica Bohaty

Walking into Marriage Together: One Perspective on the Wedding Ceremony

If you come from a background of family brokenness, I would like to offer encouragement as you look ahead to your wedding day. Brides and grooms—choose wedding customs and traditions that are meaningful to you. You have the freedom to make the choices that express who you are and what you hope for your future marriage and how you want to remember or to celebrate your past.

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Poetry Kara Poetry Kara

The Boat

Jesus, Jesus, I am scared.

Rescue me.

You awake and calm the storm

around me.

But there is still a storm

inside me.

You look at me and ask:

Will you show me your hurt?

Will you let me embrace you?

Will you accept my healing grace?

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First-Person Mary Lucianne First-Person Mary Lucianne

Whispers of Hope: Small, but mighty, victories

During his homily, a local priest referred to Christmas as “the whisper of a hope that never dies.” This struck me to the point of tears. These peaceful, consoling words I needed to hear this season came at the most unexpected time—and it has been a very, very long time since I have felt that sort of consolation flood my heart.

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First-Person, Healing Journey, Espanol Graciela Rodriguez First-Person, Healing Journey, Espanol Graciela Rodriguez

Silent Wounds / Heridas Silentes

Looking for answers, I’ve read many self-help books, listened to speakers, and talked to professionals, friends, and family members, but none have offered solutions. | En mi búsqueda de respuestas, he leído libros de autoayuda, he escuchado a charlistas, también he hablado con profesionales, amistades y familiares, pero ninguna de sus sugerencias me ayudaron.

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Poetry Murielle Blanchard Poetry Murielle Blanchard


Being a very proud person, I have struggled a lot, knowing that my husband knows all about my weaknesses and failings—and yet at the same time I have a very deep desire to be totally known and loved. This poem explores this theme, while also touching on the grief of losing our fifth child at 22 weeks last year.

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Poetry John McLain Poetry John McLain


The title is a reference to the old unit of measurement that was roughly the length of a forearm. It expresses how the poorly managed conflict and ultimate breakdown in my parents’ marriage left me avoidant of relationships with others, particularly romantic ones. Even as I met amazing individuals who were attractive on so many levels, I kept them at a distance out of fear and shame...

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