Art Bennett

Art Bennett is the oldest of six, raised in a Catholic family in Southern California. His parents struggled throughout their marriage and divorced when he was in his early twenties. Later, as a licensed marriage and family therapist, married for ten years with two young children, he took a job helping U.S. Army families stationed in Germany with their kids’ alcohol and drug problems. While in Germany, a most secular country in a most secular era, Art and his wife recommitted to their Catholic Faith largely due to the faith of U.S. Army chaplains. Eventually he went from providing therapy to managing the whole program, and his employer brought the family to the Washington D.C. area. Art helped start the Alpha Omega Clinics, which overtly integrated the Catholic Faith and sound psychology. Together with his talented-writing spouse, Laraine, the Bennetts published five practical books on integrating the Catholic faith and relationships. After leading Alpha Omega for eight years, Art became President & CEO of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington, where he oversaw 21 programs in 21 counties and integrated the social doctrine of the Church with the social needs of the area. Art retired from that position in 2021 and is returning to marriage therapy again, hoping to further integrate faith and psychology.


Michael Hernon


Dr. Daniel and Bethany Meola